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Frequently Asked Questions


If you have a question and can't find what you're looking for in the list below, please feel free to email us directly at Peace!

What is slacklining?

Well, it’s a sport where a person balances on a line that’s tensioned between two anchors (like trees, for instance). The line is not tight like a tight-rope but is slack, bouncy and pretty much resembles a giant rubber band. The challenge of standing up on it to balance is commendable, let alone walking it. The best part about it? ANYONE and EVERYONE can do it. Given some practice, patience and persistence, you’ll be taking your first steps in no time.


Where did this sport come from? Are you from a circus?

No, we're not circus performers. Slacklining was actually invented by climbing enthusiasts in the early 1980s in Yosemite National Park, California. Many people confuse the slackline with the tight wire. While there may be many visual similarities between the two, they are in fact very different disciplines. The main difference lies in the type of equipment used. The wire is static. It offers almost no movement, while the slackline is extremely dynamic and constantly moving in all directions.The slackline is also more portable and easier to set up, which makes it much more accessible.


Are there benefits to slacklining?

Everyone slacklines for different reasons because slacklining is addictively fun activity, is accessible and its benefits to the body and mind are plentiful.


Regular slacklining results in a strong spine, back and stomach muscles plus added support for ankles, knees and hip joints. It is also a good cardiovascular workout and a great way to develop a balanced and upright posture. But most of all, slacklining gives you great balance. With great balance comes better neuromuscular coordination and strengthened core muscles. These help reduce the risk of injuries in your daily lives.


However, there are also mental benefits to slacklining. A clear, relaxed mind is needed (as well as a heart of steel, depending on the height you are at). Slacklining has been claimed to be a very meditative sport because of its calming nature.


Tell me more about the different slacklining styles.

Professional slackliners take slacklining to an extreme level by getting into either tricklining, waterlning, longlining, rodeo-lining, yogalining or highlining.

Tricklining has slackliners doing bounces, jumps, flips and more.

Waterlining has the slackline setup above water with no safety harness.

Longlining involves walking lines 25 meters and beyond. There are world records out there up to 425m long!

Rodeo-lining/Freestyle lining is a slackline that has absolutely NO tension at all. The underdog of slackline types.

Highlining take things much higher up off the ground with slackliners setting lines at heights where a safety harness is required.


Is slacklining dangerous?

Well, anything gets dangerous when taken to an extreme. So we believe that you should know your limits and fix the height of your slackline accordingly. Beginner lines are usually set at knee level so even if you fall, you're only a couple of feet off the ground. Ensure that your landing area is soft. Try to avoid practicing over hard concrete floors. Also, having a friend around as your spotter can be a great idea as you test out new tricks on the line.


We highly recommend having a safe set up system whenever you slackline and offer tutorials for slackline setups for absolutely no charge at all. Just head on over to our weekend slackline sessions and ask us to show you.To avoid the risk of accidents, make sure never to cross a crosswalk or bicycle with your slackline. Do not leave your slackline unattended and make sure it is visible to the eye.This is especially important for cyclists that might be cycling in your vicinity.



Are there slackline courses that I can take alone or with friends?

YES! Slackline KL is currently the only community in Kuala Lumpur that offers slackline group classes, private training and workshops all year round. Learn more about this on our services page.


What if I just wanna try slacklining for only 5 minutes?

Truth be told, slacklining is a very addictive sport due to its steep learning curve. As soon as you find youself improving, you'll just keep wanting more.

However, if sport's got you intrigued and you wanna give it a go with no strings attached, you're most welcome to join us at our events as and when they happen. Our slackline zones are usually opened to public and we welcome anyone and everyone to come hop on our lines anytime. Check our
events section to see where we'll be next and meet us there!


Can I highline with my trickline kit?

Absolutely NOT! None of the ratchet systems are made to withstand leash falls. Please DO NOT attempt to highline using a slackline that tensions with a ratchet.

If you want to highline, you need to be familiar with the different highline rigging and tensioning systems and that's a whole load of technical know-how to absorb. Slackline KL sometimes organizes (upon demand) highline workshops to teach advanced slackliners how to efficiently rig a safe highline, how to mount and how to derig the entire setup. To find out when our next workshop is, contact us dirently via our
contact form.

My slackline is dirty. How can I clean it?

If your slackline's gotten dirty from mud and grit, soak it in a pail of warm water and then carefully brush out the dirt with a soft toothbrush. Do not use soap as it can damage and weaken the material of the slackline. Once clean, hang your line up to air dry. Be sure that your slackline is thoroughly dry before its next use.


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